I just got back from the annual joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, which was held in Providence, RI this year. It was a six day long trip, which was constantly full of things to do, and it was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of good talks and poster presentations which gave me great ideas, and I also got to meet a lot of scientists. The reef fish evolution and ecology lab of UTMSI (which is comprised of Dr. Luiz Rocha, Moises Bernal, and myself pictured above) presented a poster entitled "Morphology and Molecules Indicate Speciation by Hybridization in a Marine Fish". Despite being in Providence during a heat wave we still managed to see the zoo, and visit some of the local restaurants and see other attractions. Overall the meeting was a success and I look forward to attending next years. |
August 2021
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